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Motivation and Discipline are needed to acccomplish any Goals needed. 

Discipline is just choosing between what you want NOW and what you want MOST. 

It’s a battle of MOST vs NOW!

That’s it.


The truth is, if you are successful in certain areas of your life it’s because you have the right discipline in those areas.


            Weight Loss

Is it really possible to eat your favorite foods and still lose fat?

It depends.

I believe that cheat meals and cheat days are absolutely necessary for some people and a massive mistake for others.

This article is not designed to lead you any one way because in my nine years of bodybuilding I’ve used cheat days to get under 6% body fat and just recently I did not use cheat days at all to get under 5% body fat.

Interesting, right?  Men  >>> Click Here  <<<.     Women >>>> View Here  <<<<<





           MUSCLE TONE


There are lots of things you can take advantage of relating to weight training. It creates wellness, self-esteem and mind-body fusion. It also alleviates chronic health condition. Muscle building will aid you prevent diseases and make you physically and mentally fit. It will shape and tone your muscles and will keep you healthy as well.

           CORE STRENGTH


In the beginning, your fitness program should not be overly aggressive. One of the biggest problems people encounter when starting a fitness program is rapidly depleted motivation after only a few weeks due to an overly ambitious fitness program. Attempting to do too much too fast is worse than doing nothing at all! Because then you feel like exercise is too hard and it’s just not for you.

           Interval Training


Studies have shown that interval training offers higher fat burning and weight loss than normal, slow cardio. In fact, not only does interval training work better for fat burning, but the interval training workouts are much shorter and require far less workout time than normal cardio workouts.



We complain about not eating right, wanting to lose weight, or finding difficulty in searching for the perfect diet without realizing the most effective way is embedded in our memory. Knowledge truly is power if you know what to do with it. 

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